


With the study of this assignment I have experienced as follows

Performance and productivity that could approach. Employees performance , which could impact the company profit and productivity. 

Performance Appraisals is not only an evaluation process of a person's performance with reward  punishments as an outcome of it.

 Its intent is to align and improve the performance of an individual to meet the overall organizational goal.


  1. Yes agreed,
    Performance evaluation is not the only method to evaluate an employee,cause the performance evaluations are highly depend on sales aspects,
    In a bank theire are two types of employees ,some have marketing abilities and some don't have have marketing talent thay have operational knowledge.Since management should not take employee discissions based on performance appraisals

  2. The nature of performance management ensures that the expectations of your employees and their objectives are clear and regularly reviewed. What’s more, the introduction of regular feedback sessions and reviews allows an employee to raise and resolve any issues.
    When employees have the chance to regularly interact with their managers, communication becomes more fluid and easy. Furthermore, managers are kept in the loop regarding their team’s progress and any potential issues.
    A good performance review strategy will allow for regular feedback – both formal and informal. It will prioritise employee recognition and encourage learning and development.


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