Job Satisfaction


Organizational rewards means all the benefits i.e. financial and non-financial that an employee receives through their employment relationship with an organization . According to the literature there wards distinguishes into three main types that individuals seek from their organization i.e. extrinsic, intrinsic and social rewards. Extrinsic rewards are the physical benefits provided by the organization such as pay, bonus, fringe benefits and career development opportunities.

 However, the performance of employee job satisfaction is an imperative motivator and an arrangement of psychological and environment circumstances .Motivation programs are the key component of incentives, rewards and recognition as different organizations.

Employee performance. Employees are completely motivated when they achieved their needs.

According to this  analysis concluded that the degree of rewards, motivation and job satisfaction of employees has a strong relationship in the banking sector , it has been found that employees in banking sector give more importance to economic or financial rewards  So, if reward is increased, the incremental variance in employees’ motivation for public and private banks

organizations with emphasis on autonomy and co-workers strong relationship were practiced high job satisfaction. Hence, rewards must best rategically readjusted to attain the organizational goals, boost employee’s motivation to perform their job better and enhance satisfaction with their jobs.



A.      Furham, A. Eracleous, T. Chamorro-Premusiz (2009). Personality, motivation and job satisfaction:

B.      Herzberg meets the Big Five. Journal of Managerial Psychology.24 (8): 765-779. Ali, R., and Ahmed, M. S. (2009). The impact of reward and recognition programs on employee’s motivation and satisfaction: an empirical study. International Review of Business Research Papers, 5(4), 270-279. Amabile,

C.      T. M., Hill, K. G., Hennessey, B. A., andTighe, E. M. (1994). The Work Preference Inventory: Assessing intrinsic and extrinsic motivational orientations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 66: 950 –967.

D.      Balzer, W., Kihm, J., Smith, P., Irwin, J., Bachiochi, P., Robie, C., Sinar, E., and Parra, L. (1997). Users’ manual for the job descriptive index (JDI; 1997 Revision) and the job in general (JIG) scales. Ohio: Bowling Green State University.



  1. Nicely presented Apeksha. Could you please explain what are the steps that can be taken by the HR to increase the job satisfaction level in banking sector

  2. Yes apeksha, as you mentioned job satisfaction is create happy will lead organization to achieve thier goals easily. So HR has responsibility to create environment for employees to satisfy manner

  3. Employee motivation is one of the most important tasks in a organization.They must not only recruit the right employees but then maintain their job satisfaction.

  4. Great to see how you have categorized the different types of factors such as intrinsic and extrinsic which are 11th to the job satisfaction. I really like the way you have linked it to the employees are motivated through job satisfaction in relation to those factors. Job satisfaction is something that we all can reflect based on this

  5. Well said Apeksha. As you mention Employee Rewards will help to increase the motivation factors of the employees and motivate employees are deliver the significant results to the bank. According to your view what kind of rewards help to do this ?

  6. You have discussed increasing reward to motivate The problem with such reward and recognition programs is that they fail to get to the heart of what really motivates people. Money is certainly a powerful motivator for many people, but once the bonus check has been spent, few people continue to correlate that cash with what they did to earn it. Rewards are effective not because of what the actual recognition consists of, but because of how they make people feel.
    Rewards must best strategically readjusted to attain the organizational goals, boost employee’s motivation to perform their job better and enhance satisfaction with their jobs.


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