Role of HR


Role of HR


Training and Development  

HR need to be able to quickly recognize employees’ talent and potential so that they can provide adequate training to help workers develop their skills.

The company can define their exact needs and train employees in specific methods.

Then employees who have opportunities to use their skills and abilities see this as a key element in their engagement with the company.


Employee Performance

Company analyze employee performance and be able to provide feedback and guidance to the employee (Goals and objectives)

Employees have good conditions to perform well, be creative, and work towards achieving the company’s objectives

They need to create and implement an ongoing evaluation framework and be able to interpret performance trends correctly. 

Company has to manage promotions and the distribution of bonuses, in coordination with team.

Company culture

Company culture is the set of attitudes, values, and goals that are shared among employees . It gives employees a sense of belonging and fulfillment and helps everyone work toward goals together.

Developing the high-level company culture strategy, HR need to bring it to life and make sure its principles are applied. 

Safe and inclusive work environment

HR  need to guarantee both the physical and psychological safety of employees.

They need to be able to identify and address any potential issues related to employees’ safety before they turn into problems. 

In addition to that, they work to guarantee the fair treatment of all employees at all times and make sure that everyone has equal access to opportunities, information, and guidance.


 Oversee and manage benefits and compensation

HR responsible for overseeing and managing employees’ benefits and compensation and creating a comprehensive benefits program for both voluntary and mandated benefits.

 Benefits can include health and dental insurance, a retirement plan, stock options, paid leave, parental leave.

Achieving the right balance between limiting operational costs and creating a stimulating work environment in order to be able to retain top talent and provide competitive compensation and benefits is complicated

Conflicts, Disciplinary actions, and Terminations

HR handle conflicts within the company in order to resolve and deescalate them and take action whenever necessary.

They need to know the legal aspects of handling workplace disputes and terminations and be able to apply best practices and resolve difficult situations without disrupting the day-to-day operations and functioning of the company




Brenner, L. (2016, July 14). Role of Human Resource Managers. Woman - The Nest.

Watkins, H. (2020, April 7). The Complete Guide to HR Risk Management Every Manager Needs. Solvo Global.

Five Ways the Field of Human Resources is Changing - Best Value Schools. (2021, March 24). BestValueSchools.



  1. Dear apeksha
    I think compliance is a critical component of any HR department do you agree with me

  2. Hi apeksha, you nicely mentioned lot of factors that assigned to HR department. HR has responsibility of their organization betterment as well as employee lifes. So HR is most imporatant department within any organization

  3. Good article apeksha. HRD must do the mentioned duties to take the productive output from their employees. Mainly HRD have to maintain clear process to identify proper Employee Performance and go through withit.


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